BOBO’S LOCO CARNEVAL is here once again to amuse us in their own gruesome way. If you happen to be around VASA, Finland on May 6th – be sure not to miss this event.
May 6th 2016, Ravintola HULLU PULLO, Kauppapuistikko 15, 65100 VASA Check out the Facebook event here!
Bobo’s Loco Carneval kicked off in a year 2005 when four long time sideshow artist’s with over ten years experience per each got together to give a birth to the monster that sensation hungry audience was needing. That monster got name Bobo’s Loco Carneval and have since that amazed people everywhere it goes.
BLC have amused audiences all around Finland, in Sweden, Poland and Estonia and the touring goes on. There’s no audience too small for us nor too big either. We give 200% effort in every show.
Things we do on our show’s are real. No illusion or magic is used and blood you see is real, even thou, we’re not taking it so seriously. We’re bringing the comedy together with the old school sideshow and mix it with a new school tricks, stir it with angle grinder and ad some fire. Human Piñata, living dartboards, human pincushion, riot control demonstration, hook suspensions, world strongest man… we got it all and much more.
This is the show you won’t forget and sure don’t want to miss.
(photo by Santtu Särkäs)
Bobo’s on Facebook